Tuesday, 30 November 2010

ethical whitewash

Mary Eng 
Biomedical Ethics 
Patricia Backlar 
November 17, 2010 

Pharmaceutical Illusions: Psychotropic Medications, Human HealthRisk, and Industry 

     It is easy to accept certain systems because they have always been so.  But in the history 
of the progress of humanity towards better ways, certain individuals or groups have dared to 
question what was widely accepted by the masses.  The history of western medicine is now 
barely ascending from its origins in bloodletting and other medieval practices.  It is important to 
look towards the reformers, who assess systems and work for change.  
      Dorthea Dix was one such individual.  She saw the barbarity of the mental health systems 
as an integrative failure towards human rights.  Her way in towards changing the industry was 
fraught with resitance an status quo complacency.  Psychiatry, especially, of all health fields is 
fraught with problems.  It was not long ago that homosexuality was considered a mental illness 
by the canonical psychiatric establishment.  It would be curious to wonder as well, how many 
individuals are persecuted within psychiatry because of the perceived wrongness of their gender 
expression.  Homosexuals are known to be victims of hate crime and hate speech, and to find 
discrimination in housing work and school.  And so if a disproportionate number of homosexuals 
seek psychiatric care, to what extent are they treated sympathetically by a professional 
community who’s diagnostic manual recently treated their gender expression as an “illness.”  
It would be hard to repair the trust in a group that would so powerfully enact persecution on a 
group in the name of “science” or “medicine.” 
     There is in fact an Anti-psychiatry movement with a logical questioning of why psychiatry 
is even allowed to call themselves “medicine.”  The modern day asylum is housed in 
a “hospital” but the validity of this is also under question.  As psychiatric expression embraced a 
pharmacopeia of medicines and treatments in the last 50 years, it might be important to chart the 
ethical issues at play with psychiatric medicinalization of human experience. 
     Historical methods of treatment included insulin shock therapy, involving an injection of 
insulin so strong as to induce a diabetic coma.  This practice was used on the writer Antaonin 
Artaud.  It was significantly disturbing for him that he wrote extensively on the plight of creative 
people stigmatized by the psychiatric industry, which seems to value a unified monocultural 
human expression, such that anything outside of an accepted norm, might be electroshocked or 
treated. He criticized the role of Vincent Van Gogh’s doctor in treating the artist to the point of 
suicide.  Indeed in our modern day experience, many psychotropic drugs generally recognized 
as safe and approved for human use have shown to increase the risk of self harm.  Paxil has a 
notorious rap for inducing depressed patients to kill themselves, and indeed my family lost a dear 
friend when her doctor switched her meds.  She killed herself within two weeks. Even as such 
risks were known and discussed in the pop-science press, the propaganda waged to buttress the 
psychopharmatherapeutic inroads on consciousness continued. 
The late nineties were filled with industrial advertising ad magazine placement.  Eli Lily’s 
ubiquitous prozac was recommended for everything from bulimia to weight loss.  Cosmetic 
applications were touted.  Even your pets were the subjescts of the marketing assault: “Is your 
dog depressed?”
It is important to see the pharmaceutical industry’s expanses beyond psychiatry. 
Vaccine approvals often seem motivated from on high 
to note the perpetuation of 
minimization Of Side Effects as industry standard?  To what extent are our bodies capital which 
face destruction, or crime scenes, or reservoirs of bioaccumulated pharmaceutical residue, 
especially as drinking water becomes infected . . . 
Hypocratic Oath is violated in the non-consensual poisoning of our environment, with 
psychotropic toxicities . . . 
Human beings are essentially subject to industry trials, leading to recalls, lawsuits, settlements, 
irrevocable damage to human health. 
We are essentially in a replication of Tuskeegee mentalities, when drugs generally recognized 
as safe are introduced on to the public market after ineffective testing on the animal model, in 
such archaic tortures as primate testing at OHSU and many other notable government subsidized 
health institutes globally, giving a false whitewash of health to human subject/consumers who 
then absorb the negative repercussions. 
The legal consumer safety and medical malpractice industries can at times gain significant 
ground towards instilling industry accountability, and with the collaboration of industry expose’s 
such as launched by the campaign for safe cosmetics and wikileaks WHO document disclosure, 
we are able to see more clearly what has transpired over the last 100 years in modern health 
international approaches might compare regualtory policies to find significant gains for human 
health, where superior vaccines were used in Japan, and american market vaccines had provable 
inferiority and mortality probability, misdiagnosed as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, to protect 
regulatory and industry malfeasance. 
A lawsuit is a worst case scenario approach to human health protection. 

The clinic, in it absolutions 
might sanitize our critique or dissolve our ability towards dissent through numbing, narcotizing, 
effects and side effects---which may even be deadly, the legal industries which might gain 
monetary or publicity coup for the effectivity of the poisons, are merely a necrophiliac industry, 
funereal in process. 
Significant suicides after the ingestion of Paxil. 
Who can buy back a human life? 
Heroin as a development of Bayer aspirin company. 
Nazis in South America, resanitizing their pharmaceutical approach towards civilization, ala 
mengele and eichmann. 
Irreparable tardive diskenisia. 
Seroquel induced diabetes. 

Imperfections of Pharma R&D and development, concurrent with the devastation of rainforest 
botanical wealth. 
Grand Mal fatal seizures associated with “anti-psychotics” as epilepsy drugs reformulated. 
What are the direct threats to the mechanism nationally and internationally?

Tardive Diskinesia---what is it 
Grand Mal seizure with the introduction of epilepcy medication to non-epileptics, effectively 
inducing epilepsy and putting at risk of Grand Mal seizure 

weight gain lithium 
Suicide Risk 
Reduced Libido 

Old industry standby 
Prior methods Insulin shock 
Political motive: suppression of dissent within a culture 

Pioneers: Dorthea Dix 

Wikileaks world stage exposure of corruption in WHO and Pharma development.  Very modern 
zeitgeist shift towards total accountability all the time. 

Pirate Party traction internationally with an explicitly anti-patent approach contradictory towards 
cosmetic western drug manufacture, rebranding as de facto patent extension, the maginalization 
of significant medical issues, such that pharma a a racistly genocidal impact with focus towards 
botox and pet-prozac and de-emphasis on AIDS, malaria, family planning, etc 
ie things that matter! 
Scientology.  origins of anti-psychiatry method---truth contained therein, despite the obvious 
labor law and forced abortion breaches of human dignity. 
history: gurneys, straightjackets, rubber rooms, chemical lobotomy. 
worthy of discussion. 
repression of dissent. 
Natural Approaches: herbal therapy, massage, acupuncture, polyphasic medicinal states, peyote 

Industry research towards the mechanism 
homocysteine regulation 
Pub med 
toxic effects of heightened homocysteine build-up in the brain. 
overarching point is that the true progress of science at times can be held back by industry 
interests based on market hegemony and monopol. 
The disruption of this mechanism must see courageous researchers who are not beholden to 
Pharma or patent law or paywalls of any kind as they impede the flow of science. Evidence 
of spirit change within the system can be seen in New Renaissance ideals as they unfold in 
collaborative spaces such as wikipedia, where knowledge for knowledge’s sake is an actual 
value, independent of financial protocols. 
Similarly over the past few years i have seen significant leaking of data from confidencial 
scientific studies onto The Pirate Bay. 
The shift towards many economies have effectively created many darknets or black economies 
where knowledge is transacted independent of the 

corrupt doctors receiving industry kickbacks 

as foucault wrote in madness and civilization, it was through calling others mad that one got a 
sense of one’s own “sanity” in opposition,  as the sanity continuum holds value for the criminal 
justice systems, we must be unafraid to look at psychiatry as a part of a  larger military industrial 
complex which operates to express racist motive and to protect capitalisms many expressions.  
So in giving validity to the excessive tarnishing of your son’s good name in the place of 
confidentiality, respect, for his unique mind, creativity and experience, you lay plain for all to 
see the lack of respect you have for him and for the trafficked macaques who your friends so 
proudly torture.  Let their sorrow give you nightmares, as they banged on the cage for freedom, 
in an image haunting me to my grave, or forced electrocution for ejaculate were a videorecored 
perversion of the oregon health sciences university culture, might i truly feel disrespected by 
you, as i take part in the system, which disrobes your son of any integrity, in the self validating 
grimace with which you throw him under the train of schizophrenia, banshee not content with 
infanticide, but bent on worse tortures, public humiliation for they whom you might show love. 
and that it gives you an upper hand, in your ethics card game, to snarl such cruelty at him, seems 
a game well crafted to glue together your house of cards, from which you extract salary, on basis 
of your son’s daily crucifiction and the sanitization of ritualistic animal torture. 
Better it were to hide your crimes of hate against him, better you could smother your disgust 
for our generation, better you could understand the scientific actualities of our minds before 
such hasty rush to judgement and poison through the hoops of pseudoscience and self- 

And if perchance you read this, know that it comes from a mind lobotomized by your sons 
torturers, and that i have seen with my own eyes the sexual assault of macaques at OHSU, as can 
anyone on youtube, and that we have entered a new era, such that such exploitative assaults on 
human and animal dignity will no longer masquerade as civil society, or ethics. 

And better were it to let pubmed do the talking as the mechanisms of mind transpire, that our pop 
psychology media propagandas might not pollute the discourse, nor privacy breaches befoul the 
atmosphere, such that i know, should you do it to him, so too you would to me. 
and that i feel, in my hardest of hearts to be your ethical calling, to remove your false authority 
and affiliations, and seek to find a higher way, out of treating humans like guinea pigs and our 
minds like rubbish bins for all kinds of tired used propaganda. 
and so see and feel in the future, we will not take your disparagement and cruelty lightly, 
whether fueled by pharmaceutical salemanship or larger political repressions, that you might 
keep us under thumb at all times , by your false systems of power which seek to censor and 
sanitize that which you do. 
and so for the dead i write, the dead macaques and humans alike, who did not survive to call up 
this show of ethical whitewashing.

Legal theats 
Seroquel lawsuit 
Paxil suicide 
Media Interest 

Brand campaigns and publicity coups 
manufacture of illness 
Prozac late nineties for weightloss bulimia depression 

Other issues: 
RU486 fatality rate, FDA regulation, Planned Parenthood under the radar approach to 
Miprefistone, such that physician instructions violate FDA regulation, and significant fatalities 
do not inform the discussion. 


The Future: 
towards transparency in all things
epoch times reports lobotimization of intellectuals in china, and religious persecution of 
members of Falun Gong 
who are also subject to organ harvesting. 
Red scare incarceration of “Communists” 

Literary, Cinematic, and Memoir reactions: 
I never promised you a rose garden 
Girl, Interrupted 
Prozac Nation 
One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest 
Lady Gaga “Bad Romance” 


Schizophrenia reinterpreted as Homocysteine Toxicity Build-up: 

Policy and Transparency:




Side Effects: 

Monday, 8 November 2010


researching emeergency room protocol and assisted suicide and living wills in reference to our huntingtons disease/suicide case study project.

in primate research news,
found this link regarding jane goodall's stance against primate testing

i wonder very much about the videos matt rossell took when he worked for ohsu.
do they really electro-shock the male primates to get samples of their reproductive matter?
it seems really twisted to me personally . . .
i am newly completely fascinated by the wikileaks scenario and feel more than ever confident about total transparency in all corrupt activities.

i am very heartily amused that portland state's legal counsel continues to issue pronouncements on the secrecy of OHSU's primate experimentation via patricia backlar.

i would love to find and visit legal counsel today and ask them, why whatever do you mean?

Monday, 1 November 2010

JD MD william noonan, from firm klarqvist sparkman LLP

super awesome

patina of infallibility
genetic tests probability


GM oil spill eating

why not used for BP or discussed????



for university fed grant title patent

from pirate party UK:
Pharmaceutical patents are a major problem for the world. We need to strike a better balance between the need to pay for drug research, and the need to end the postcode lottery that UK citizens suffer when patented drugs are too expensive for the NHS. We need to tackle the problem of preventable deaths in the third world caused by high price of patented drugs. We will achieve this by abolishing drug patents, which will reduce drug costs drastically, since all drugs will become generic. This will save the NHS a massive amount of money, and part of that saving will be used to subsidise drug research. The pharmaceutical industry currently spends around 15% of its patent drug income on research; we will replace that with subsidies to the value of 20%, increasing research budgets, while still saving the NHS money. This policy of making all drugs generic will create a massive opportunity for industry to make profits, employ more people, and save lives by encouraging the manufacture of newly generic drugs in this country for sale to the third world.


do patents inhibit?
anticommons tragedy eisenberg

new useful and nonobvious

adrenaline purified

genomic dna in nature
synth patent



re DNA breast cancer
retention of informational content


patents invalid
penumbra of uncertainty

re research on the brca---
re canada

de facto regulation bc canada has control govt

keeps price down

case being appealed--
canada gets benefit---lower price

we are funding R&D for the world

invalidated by the court
paying generic competitors to stay out of business

outlaw try
effectively extends life of the patent
cynical scenario

3rd world less regulation----
so more access

pirate party says then, 1st world over-focuses on cosmetic and psychotrop and cosmeceutical luxury meds for R&D then ignores more life and death---

million PTO backlog
investors waiting and waiting

europe evolving system
unified now

USA diff---then we might harmonize towards international patent standards

does the pridictive power
the effectiveness

no significant improvement

francis collins


FDA is trying to stop the sale
prone to misinformation

genetics not destiny

Myriad ruling would give certainty
now: max uncertainty

lower court will be overturned

DNA patentable?

marc hatfield

testified before congress

recombinant advisory committee

trademark symbol

patent machine

description copyright---the arrangement of the words


The en banc Federal Circuit upheld the rejection, 9–3. The majority opinion by Chief Judge Paul Redmond Michel characterized the issue as whether the claimed method is a patent-eligible "process," as the patent statute (35 U.S.C. § 101) uses that term. While any series of actions or operations is a process in the dictionary sense of that term, the court explained, the Supreme Court has held that the statutory meaning is narrower than the dictionary meaning which "forecloses a purely literal reading." Patent-eligible processes do not include "laws of nature, natural phenomena, [or] abstract ideas." The limiting legal principle applies not just to processes, but to anything on which a patent is sought. As a trilogy of Supreme Court decisions on patent-eligibility from approximately three decades ago had taught, "Phenomena of nature, though just discovered, mental processes, and abstract intellectual concepts are not patentable, as they are the basic tools of scientific and technological work." [10] Therefore, the question was whether Bilski's process fell within any of the prohibited categories (that is, was a claim to a "principle"), and the underlying legal question was what legal tests or criteria should govern that determination when a claim is directed to a principle.

for hedging risk
machine test

reproduction of instructions---copyright---

reduce incentive---
stem cell research moved faster in UK bc american patent law

culture concepts relevant to health

pharma $
USA meritocracy

demand volume
health system

private investor v. research govt funded

national institute of health

Huntington's case


about dna marker  psychological effects of knowing likelihoods

presentation notes and links








class notes

difference between genomics and genetics



bill noonan
patent attorney whewhew!

the organs

transplant next week

why are we not using molecular biology

university lawyer has told patricia backlar to read letter to describe forbidding of any recording
should find

transparecy v. secrecy in the wikileaks era

i find this interesting: animal experimentation and a veil of privacy in the wikileaks era: in the future there will be total transparency for all things including violations of human and animal dignity.

i got ethics for dummies from the library day.   which may help me understand why i am unethical for loving animals and open-ness and internet and honesty. 

i do not plan on any further tech demos. but we'll see how my conscience treats me.  it has been so demanding lately.
just incidentally, i link to the ELF and the ALF on my main arts blog braingarbage.  i do this to protest the AETA and all free speech restrictions.
i am fascinated by the point at which my free speech becomes restricted to protect federally funded deviant animal abuse.

my sense of ethics balks at the attempt to coerce me in to whitewashing OHSU's animal welfare act violations, electrical genital stimulation of primates for forced ejaculate, and incarceration of the beautiful beings.

jane goodall is such a hero to me.
she is opposed to testing on higher primates and is a long term vegetarian.

just for 
Dear Colleagues,
Immediately below I reiterate our BIOMEDICAL ETHICS (PHL. 481/581) CLASS PRIVACY POLICYThis notice applies to 
all students in this class.
 Please take particular notice of the addition of  item #1 which forbids recording with any sort of device 
(tape, laptop, cell phone etc. ).



2).  I have mentioned to you previously (DURING OUR FIRST CLASS MEETING AND BY EMAIL)
that the whole point of our Biomedical Ethics course (PHL. 481/581) is to provide each 
of you with a safe place in which you may freely and critically examine,
explore and reflect upon your own ideas relevant to the variety of topics
and cases which we address throughout our fall term Monday evening

3). In order to maintain a 'safe place' in our classroom for each of us -- being 
mindful of the principle of  'respect for persons'-- we will hold our conversations as 
confidential in precisely the same way which we do when we work with other
bioethicists, clinicians, patients, family members when we conduct an 
'Ethics Consult Service'  where we address issues relevant to patients in clinical practice 
or in the hospital. The 'principle' of respecting confidentiality is an essential
part of the practice of medicine.

4). Furthermore, we owe respect to our guest speakers. The clinicians, researchers, lawyers and 
professors who so generously take time from their busy schedules to visit our class and share 
their expertise with you well understand the importance of the work to which you aspire. 
Our guests trust that their conversations with you and with each other will remain private and 
Patricia Backlar, Research Associate Professor of Bioethics 
Department of Philosophy Portland State University 
POB 751 Portland OR 97207 
503/725 -3499 (voice) 503/725-3693 (fax) 503/703-4405 (cell) 
backlarp@pdx.edu (email)
                (biosketch & publications)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

primate experimentation and secrecy

backlar writes about keeping the testimony of the primate experimenters secret and confidential.

what if it against my ethics?

what if i have ethics?

maybe that puts me at a disadvantage to take biomedical ethics at PSU.

backlar writes:

"In order to maintain a 'safe place' in our classroom for each of us -- being
mindful of the principle of 'respect for persons'-- we will hold our conversations as
confidential in precisely the same way which we do when we work with other
bioethicists, clinicians, patients, family members when we conduct an
'Ethics Consult Service' where we address issues relevant to patients in clinical practice
or in the hospital. The 'principle' of respecting confidentiality is an essential
part of the practice of medicine.

Furthermore, we owe respect to our guest speakers. The clinicians,
researchers, and professors who so generously take time from their busy schedules to visit our class
and share their expertise with you well understand the importance of the work to which you aspire.
As our guests trust that their conversations with you and with each other will remain private and

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

international comparative bioethics

Since 2003, experimentation on great apes (chimpanzees, pygmy chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans) and nine species of Gibbons have been banned in Sweden, but it is still permitted to use other primates for animal testing.
In Sweden, primates are used for vivisection experiments at the Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI) in Solna. The primates used are macaques that are imported from breeding facilities in China and Israel. Even though it is illegal to purchase primates caught in the wild, SMI has been found to have purchased wild apes on several occasions.

swedish standards

SMIs experimentation on primates is very controversial. In the year 2000, Aftonbladet (the biggest evening newspaper in Sweden) carried the following headlines: “SMI banned from keeping primates” and “the animal cruelty has ended”. The background to this press attention was that SMI, since 1994, has not been abiding by rules and regulations stipulated in the Animal Cruelty Act. Furthermore, SMI had lied to the Department of Agriculture in regards to the size of the cages that housed the primates. The Department of Agriculture even went so far as to “question SMI:s competency in conducting any type of animal testing whatsoever”.
The greater majority of apes at SMI live in two meter high cages, about as small as three normal-sized closets. They are housed in pairs or in a group. A small number of individuals also have the possibility of getting some fresh air by being temporarily placed in an outdoor cage, but this cage is only available to primates being used for certain experiments.
One demand made by the Department of Agriculture, which would allow SMI to keep its permits to experiment on animals, was the daily training of primates for “cooperation” in the taking of test samples. To better facilitate the capture of the primates for anesthesia and test sampling, the primates are trained to “cooperate” using so-called “clickers” (the purpose is to train the primate to volunteer their own arm to be pricked with a needle in exchange for a reward). But SMI continues to capture primates with the help of a movable wall at the back of each cage that presses the primate up against the cage bars, restricting their movements.
SMI admits to not abiding by the demands of the Department of Agriculture.
EUPRIM-Net is a network of 8 European animal testing facilities that use primates and SMI is one of those facilities. The idea is that together, the 8 build a virtual primate center for the experimentation and breeding of primates.

for a comprehensive list of international primate testing sites and more about primate sourcing the the UC system and the AETA scroll down here:

animal welfare act violations, national primate liberation week, chattel



5TH AVE. CINEMA, 510 SW Hall St

“Chattel” is a documentary film about the animal research industry and the movements to abolish it.

The film will be followed by a discussion, facilitated by the Animal Defense League, on the current state of OHSU and the campaigns to stop its primate testing program.

Sponsored by the Student Animal Liberation Coalition- salcpsu@gmail.com

This event will be in conjunction with Animal Defense League's week of action against the Oregon National Primate Research Center, part of National Primate Liberation Week.
Over 70,000 primates (rhesus monkeys, baboons, squirrel monkeys, chimpanzees, etc.) are experimented on every year in the United States. Many thousands of primates are also imprisoned in labs for breeding and conditioning. Recent USDA statistics reveal that over 124,000 primates are held captive in U.S. laboratories.

Many of these primates experience horrible conditions. Recent government documentation has revealed primates dying of dehydration, starvation, hypothermia, heat stress, being boiled alive in cage washers, wasting diseases, hepatitis, encephalitis, and many other severe illnesses.

National Primate Liberation Week will take place October 16th – October 24th. Please help fight for the chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, spider monkeys, marmosets, lemurs, squirrel monkeys, owl monkeys, and all the other innocent primates confined in laboratories. Help us end their abuse!

In Portland, we will be targeting OHSU's National Primate Research Center, which houses over 4,200 primates and has been fined for numerous USDA violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

sleepless due to concerns regarding ohsu


4000 macaques now according to our guests the grey suited one


when i asked the grey-sited primate researcher about the nicotine experiments he at fist acted like he knew nothing of it.
i then said blandly, oh i read about it on the internet about four years ago.  then he assented as if well yes it were true.  or maybe he wasn't there.  maybe it wasn't his particular interest.

depression selfmutilation unaesthetisized ejaculation by electrical shock  by the techs
a method discovered through human torture

the video taken by ohsu employee matt rossell
watch the footage of a sick baby macaque at OHSU
in judy cameron's behavior studies

from ALF's website

Nova Will Stop Doing Business With Primate Products

By Michael J. Mooney
Tue, Sep. 14 2010
Broward/Palm Beach New Times
Nova Southeastern University in Davie will no longer do business with Primate Products, the controversial animal research facility in Doral, according to the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida .

After the release of several disturbing photos depicting monkeys with serious injuries, local activists approached university officials about Nova's relationship with Primate Products.
An administrator admitted the school has purchased monkeys from the facility for a research project funded by the National Institute of Health, says Don Anthony, ARFF spokesperson.
"They informed us that they will not be working with that facility in the future," Anthony says. Calls to Nova were not immediately returned.

"They've chosen not to be associated with the disturbing, bloody photos," Anthony says. "We're glad they came to this decision. There's no reason any research should be using live animals."

Last week, the USDA announced it will conduct a special investigation of Primate Products.

Anthony dismisses claims that animal research provides important scientific knowledge and leads to better medicines.

Animal rights advocates say 90 percent of universities in America no longer use live animals . "That includes Yale and Harvard," Anthony says. "If this type of research was so vital, like some people claim, everyone would be doing it. But they're not."

Local activists say they will continue protesting Primate Products -- and the home of President Donald Bradford -- until the facility closes down.

madness and civilization--foucault


Monday, 11 October 2010

for dorthea dix and antonin artaud

civil commitment process

dramatic decline

two people can go down to courthouse and begin the process of community investigation

county mental health

low level
standard of proof

probable cause
of mental illness

for civil court

if they believe that a person needs to be committed

they can be held in ERs for days

there are not enough beds

then they are transported in police cars far away---

we have knowledge increase
and decline of services

what irony

i ask if a family might try to frivolously incarcerate other family members
for personal distaste or purposes of a will (or other humiliations)

is there room for that in the law?  (by which i mean the oregon local law)

he says there is

there is
very little frivolous commitment

backlar shook her head at me.  i do not know for sure what it meant.

lots of protections for civil liberties
so says bloom



and the thorazine blues

and chief bromden

there will be a new state mental hospital in the future

bloom psychiatrist forensic

attorney client privilege
defense attorney there
tell them

plenty of people


how has columbine affected the evaluation process

MRIs, some brain disfunction on the tests

do not want to see inconsistency in the experts

virginia tech----violent video games---

why does PSU have violent video games

he played music
opera all night before the murders
kip kinkel

fascination with violent things

he tried to stab a kid

he could act normal and hide systems

his father did not believe in mental health
the stigma is strong

he stole the CD's
in bend---he and another kid were throwing snowballs at cars
the gun at school

anti-social behavior

the prosecution  blew up this . . .

commitment standard





homocysteine and "schizophrenia"




homocysteine pathways regarding

homocysteine hallucinogenic in effect---a toxic break down product which cannot be broken down without adequate b viatamins

and which has hallucinatory effects

an old term

bloom agrees when i ask it that
schizophrenia will be outmoded as a term
and there will be a more adequate series of terms specific to the process

b vitamin therapies

that will eventually be broken down into othe

stress model

propensity as well as stress factors

abstract from:

Elevated plasma homocysteine concentration has been suggested as a risk factor for schizophrenia, but the results of epidemiological studies have been inconsistent. The most extensively studied genetic variant in the homocysteine metabolism is the 677C>T polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, resulting in reduced enzyme activity and, subsequently, in elevated homocysteine. A meta-analysis of eight retrospective studies (812 cases and 2113 control subjects) was carried out to examine the association between homocysteine and schizophrenia. In addition, a meta-analysis of 10 studies (2265 cases and 2721 control subjects) on the homozygous (TT) genotype of the MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism was carried out to assess if this association is causal. A 5 mumol/l higher homocysteine level was associated with a 70% (95% confidence interval, CI: 27–129) higher risk of schizophrenia. The TT genotype was associated with a 36% (95% CI: 7–72) higher risk of schizophrenia compared to the CC genotype. The performed meta-analyses showed no evidence of publication bias or excessive influence attributable to any given study. In conclusion, our study provides evidence for an association of homocysteine with schizophrenia. The elevated risk of schizophrenia associated with the homozygous genotype of the MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism provides support for causality between a disturbed homocysteine metabolism and risk of schizophrenia.



Homocysteine is a sulfur containing amino acid that has been widely investigated for its putative role in cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric disorders. It has been suggested that homocysteine has implications especially in young, male schizophreniapatients. In this prospective case-control study, we compared plasma homocysteine levels in a group of adolescent schizophreniainpatients (aged 14–21 years; n = 23) to normal healthy controls (n = 51). Mean plasma homocysteine levels were significantly higher in the patient group than in the control group (15.40 ± 2.00 and 9.78 ± 0.33 μmol/L, respectively, p < 0.032). The difference was almost entirely attributable to the male schizophrenia subgroup (18.18 ± 5.65 in male patients vs. 10.31 ± 5.33 μmol/L in female patients). The group × sex interaction was statistically significant (p = 0.0035). These data indicate that a subgroup of male adolescent schizophrenia patients has high homocysteine blood levels. The role of homocysteine in the pathophysiology of adolescent-onset schizophrenia merits further investigation.

joseph bloom from OHSU psychiatry

head of community psychiatry
in oregon
transcultural focus

indian native eskimo involvement with the law

more mentally ill people getting in jail services.

today we have the lowest number of beds in the oregon psych system in 75 or 100 years

large numbers in the prison systems
1955---several hundred thousand people in state facilities---oregon OMG!!!!!!

bill sacks
professor emeritus
child psychiatry

back to bloom

first wave
psychotropic medications
he finished his residency

the laws changed in the seventies

it became hard to civilly commit

current dates to 1873

wave: decrease going in people
increase community services and they did not keep up with deinstitutionalization.
bleak care

two state
650 beds
oregon state salem and portland

eastern oregon state hospital
50 beds

mostly filled with court orde
incompetant to stand trial
sent to the hospital for the restoration of competancy

not guilty

by reason

70 geriatic
100 civilly committed

no voluntary payments in state hospital

state can run involuntary care

decrease in general hospital beds
more cash with non-mental care issues

very little care
by nature of the system
towards police and criminal justice

james otis (i mary eng met his family)
personality change in his personality change

more time by himself
did not seek resources

inquiries how to involuntarily commit him

investigates civil commitment statute

he had a gun
traffic stop

he was killed by the police

the courts



Former Director of Oregon Action Joanne Bowman graphically described Otis's death. "They shot him over 30 times and when they were done shooting him, they shot him with the beanbag and the taser and then they left his body in the street, uncovered, for six hours," said Bowman.

dr sack, guest speaker number two
courtroom and prison

106 years

attorneys did not go for a mental health defense

they thought that he might only get 20-40 years
they thought they had worked something out

he goes to mcclaren (juvenile jail system in oregon)
sack is the consultant and evaluator at the prison
works with him till he is 25

got him on therapy and medication
treatment is confidential---he is now in adult treatment
his sister is devoted and she has hired an attorney for an appeal

was kip kinkel understanding that he could make a decision about a state hospital defense
he thought a hospital would be worse than jail
it went to court
2 years ago

judge said no, so he is still in jail

less than positive outcome

case of kip kinkel

oren bolstad

killed his parents and went to springfield hospital

high profile case
national news

a year after littleton colorado shootouts

voices, hallucinations

telling him: you need to kill

his parents repeated the verbal abuse his parents issued
"stupid piece of sh*t"

see this link recounting the sack perspective as psychiatrist:

kip kinkel shoplifted nine inch nails
he identified with the lyrics

trent reznor sang about
"god damn these voices in my head"

he quoted this at school and got in trouble fro saying "god damn"

he was reluctant to take medicine
thought he was chipped and others had cameras in their glasses

it was very painful for orin bolstad

he tried prozac
orin bolstad
william sack

speaks of delusions:
as a necessary to dia-gnosis
an archaic term
meaning split brain

which i think should be reformulated for greater acuracy---or more specific to what was not known of the neuroscience of cognition

i support


(i was in productions of these with director bart whitman and bill siesser who played critical characters dysart and bromden  in the nineties at montgomery bell academy as a teenager----and was well avised)))))

i worked on a not guilty by reason of insanity case with los angeles attorney stephen schwartz in 2007 regarding a murder by a young man who murdered a clerk with a baseball bat at a convenience store.

we met with the family.

it was very formative.

this was prior to taking criminal law or administration of justice:police procedure at LACC .

bloom is the forensic psychiatrist
clinical diagnoses 

you must know right from wrong to be guilty of murder

oregon insanity test
mcnaughten test---30 states

american law institute test---at tim e of crime by way of defect

lack substantial capacity to interpret the criminal content of the act
test of volitional 

an hour after the shooting
another psychiatrist saw him

no ask about voices
strong feeling that he was psychotic

plea bargain agreed to this verdict

everything relates to the time of the crime

everything at the trial will relate to this crime
affirmative defense to the charge

yes i did this
but was insane at the time