Tuesday, 30 November 2010

ethical whitewash

Mary Eng 
Biomedical Ethics 
Patricia Backlar 
November 17, 2010 

Pharmaceutical Illusions: Psychotropic Medications, Human HealthRisk, and Industry 

     It is easy to accept certain systems because they have always been so.  But in the history 
of the progress of humanity towards better ways, certain individuals or groups have dared to 
question what was widely accepted by the masses.  The history of western medicine is now 
barely ascending from its origins in bloodletting and other medieval practices.  It is important to 
look towards the reformers, who assess systems and work for change.  
      Dorthea Dix was one such individual.  She saw the barbarity of the mental health systems 
as an integrative failure towards human rights.  Her way in towards changing the industry was 
fraught with resitance an status quo complacency.  Psychiatry, especially, of all health fields is 
fraught with problems.  It was not long ago that homosexuality was considered a mental illness 
by the canonical psychiatric establishment.  It would be curious to wonder as well, how many 
individuals are persecuted within psychiatry because of the perceived wrongness of their gender 
expression.  Homosexuals are known to be victims of hate crime and hate speech, and to find 
discrimination in housing work and school.  And so if a disproportionate number of homosexuals 
seek psychiatric care, to what extent are they treated sympathetically by a professional 
community who’s diagnostic manual recently treated their gender expression as an “illness.”  
It would be hard to repair the trust in a group that would so powerfully enact persecution on a 
group in the name of “science” or “medicine.” 
     There is in fact an Anti-psychiatry movement with a logical questioning of why psychiatry 
is even allowed to call themselves “medicine.”  The modern day asylum is housed in 
a “hospital” but the validity of this is also under question.  As psychiatric expression embraced a 
pharmacopeia of medicines and treatments in the last 50 years, it might be important to chart the 
ethical issues at play with psychiatric medicinalization of human experience. 
     Historical methods of treatment included insulin shock therapy, involving an injection of 
insulin so strong as to induce a diabetic coma.  This practice was used on the writer Antaonin 
Artaud.  It was significantly disturbing for him that he wrote extensively on the plight of creative 
people stigmatized by the psychiatric industry, which seems to value a unified monocultural 
human expression, such that anything outside of an accepted norm, might be electroshocked or 
treated. He criticized the role of Vincent Van Gogh’s doctor in treating the artist to the point of 
suicide.  Indeed in our modern day experience, many psychotropic drugs generally recognized 
as safe and approved for human use have shown to increase the risk of self harm.  Paxil has a 
notorious rap for inducing depressed patients to kill themselves, and indeed my family lost a dear 
friend when her doctor switched her meds.  She killed herself within two weeks. Even as such 
risks were known and discussed in the pop-science press, the propaganda waged to buttress the 
psychopharmatherapeutic inroads on consciousness continued. 
The late nineties were filled with industrial advertising ad magazine placement.  Eli Lily’s 
ubiquitous prozac was recommended for everything from bulimia to weight loss.  Cosmetic 
applications were touted.  Even your pets were the subjescts of the marketing assault: “Is your 
dog depressed?”
It is important to see the pharmaceutical industry’s expanses beyond psychiatry. 
Vaccine approvals often seem motivated from on high 
to note the perpetuation of 
minimization Of Side Effects as industry standard?  To what extent are our bodies capital which 
face destruction, or crime scenes, or reservoirs of bioaccumulated pharmaceutical residue, 
especially as drinking water becomes infected . . . 
Hypocratic Oath is violated in the non-consensual poisoning of our environment, with 
psychotropic toxicities . . . 
Human beings are essentially subject to industry trials, leading to recalls, lawsuits, settlements, 
irrevocable damage to human health. 
We are essentially in a replication of Tuskeegee mentalities, when drugs generally recognized 
as safe are introduced on to the public market after ineffective testing on the animal model, in 
such archaic tortures as primate testing at OHSU and many other notable government subsidized 
health institutes globally, giving a false whitewash of health to human subject/consumers who 
then absorb the negative repercussions. 
The legal consumer safety and medical malpractice industries can at times gain significant 
ground towards instilling industry accountability, and with the collaboration of industry expose’s 
such as launched by the campaign for safe cosmetics and wikileaks WHO document disclosure, 
we are able to see more clearly what has transpired over the last 100 years in modern health 
international approaches might compare regualtory policies to find significant gains for human 
health, where superior vaccines were used in Japan, and american market vaccines had provable 
inferiority and mortality probability, misdiagnosed as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, to protect 
regulatory and industry malfeasance. 
A lawsuit is a worst case scenario approach to human health protection. 

The clinic, in it absolutions 
might sanitize our critique or dissolve our ability towards dissent through numbing, narcotizing, 
effects and side effects---which may even be deadly, the legal industries which might gain 
monetary or publicity coup for the effectivity of the poisons, are merely a necrophiliac industry, 
funereal in process. 
Significant suicides after the ingestion of Paxil. 
Who can buy back a human life? 
Heroin as a development of Bayer aspirin company. 
Nazis in South America, resanitizing their pharmaceutical approach towards civilization, ala 
mengele and eichmann. 
Irreparable tardive diskenisia. 
Seroquel induced diabetes. 

Imperfections of Pharma R&D and development, concurrent with the devastation of rainforest 
botanical wealth. 
Grand Mal fatal seizures associated with “anti-psychotics” as epilepsy drugs reformulated. 
What are the direct threats to the mechanism nationally and internationally?

Tardive Diskinesia---what is it 
Grand Mal seizure with the introduction of epilepcy medication to non-epileptics, effectively 
inducing epilepsy and putting at risk of Grand Mal seizure 

weight gain lithium 
Suicide Risk 
Reduced Libido 

Old industry standby 
Prior methods Insulin shock 
Political motive: suppression of dissent within a culture 

Pioneers: Dorthea Dix 

Wikileaks world stage exposure of corruption in WHO and Pharma development.  Very modern 
zeitgeist shift towards total accountability all the time. 

Pirate Party traction internationally with an explicitly anti-patent approach contradictory towards 
cosmetic western drug manufacture, rebranding as de facto patent extension, the maginalization 
of significant medical issues, such that pharma a a racistly genocidal impact with focus towards 
botox and pet-prozac and de-emphasis on AIDS, malaria, family planning, etc 
ie things that matter! 
Scientology.  origins of anti-psychiatry method---truth contained therein, despite the obvious 
labor law and forced abortion breaches of human dignity. 
history: gurneys, straightjackets, rubber rooms, chemical lobotomy. 
worthy of discussion. 
repression of dissent. 
Natural Approaches: herbal therapy, massage, acupuncture, polyphasic medicinal states, peyote 

Industry research towards the mechanism 
homocysteine regulation 
Pub med 
toxic effects of heightened homocysteine build-up in the brain. 
overarching point is that the true progress of science at times can be held back by industry 
interests based on market hegemony and monopol. 
The disruption of this mechanism must see courageous researchers who are not beholden to 
Pharma or patent law or paywalls of any kind as they impede the flow of science. Evidence 
of spirit change within the system can be seen in New Renaissance ideals as they unfold in 
collaborative spaces such as wikipedia, where knowledge for knowledge’s sake is an actual 
value, independent of financial protocols. 
Similarly over the past few years i have seen significant leaking of data from confidencial 
scientific studies onto The Pirate Bay. 
The shift towards many economies have effectively created many darknets or black economies 
where knowledge is transacted independent of the 

corrupt doctors receiving industry kickbacks 

as foucault wrote in madness and civilization, it was through calling others mad that one got a 
sense of one’s own “sanity” in opposition,  as the sanity continuum holds value for the criminal 
justice systems, we must be unafraid to look at psychiatry as a part of a  larger military industrial 
complex which operates to express racist motive and to protect capitalisms many expressions.  
So in giving validity to the excessive tarnishing of your son’s good name in the place of 
confidentiality, respect, for his unique mind, creativity and experience, you lay plain for all to 
see the lack of respect you have for him and for the trafficked macaques who your friends so 
proudly torture.  Let their sorrow give you nightmares, as they banged on the cage for freedom, 
in an image haunting me to my grave, or forced electrocution for ejaculate were a videorecored 
perversion of the oregon health sciences university culture, might i truly feel disrespected by 
you, as i take part in the system, which disrobes your son of any integrity, in the self validating 
grimace with which you throw him under the train of schizophrenia, banshee not content with 
infanticide, but bent on worse tortures, public humiliation for they whom you might show love. 
and that it gives you an upper hand, in your ethics card game, to snarl such cruelty at him, seems 
a game well crafted to glue together your house of cards, from which you extract salary, on basis 
of your son’s daily crucifiction and the sanitization of ritualistic animal torture. 
Better it were to hide your crimes of hate against him, better you could smother your disgust 
for our generation, better you could understand the scientific actualities of our minds before 
such hasty rush to judgement and poison through the hoops of pseudoscience and self- 

And if perchance you read this, know that it comes from a mind lobotomized by your sons 
torturers, and that i have seen with my own eyes the sexual assault of macaques at OHSU, as can 
anyone on youtube, and that we have entered a new era, such that such exploitative assaults on 
human and animal dignity will no longer masquerade as civil society, or ethics. 

And better were it to let pubmed do the talking as the mechanisms of mind transpire, that our pop 
psychology media propagandas might not pollute the discourse, nor privacy breaches befoul the 
atmosphere, such that i know, should you do it to him, so too you would to me. 
and that i feel, in my hardest of hearts to be your ethical calling, to remove your false authority 
and affiliations, and seek to find a higher way, out of treating humans like guinea pigs and our 
minds like rubbish bins for all kinds of tired used propaganda. 
and so see and feel in the future, we will not take your disparagement and cruelty lightly, 
whether fueled by pharmaceutical salemanship or larger political repressions, that you might 
keep us under thumb at all times , by your false systems of power which seek to censor and 
sanitize that which you do. 
and so for the dead i write, the dead macaques and humans alike, who did not survive to call up 
this show of ethical whitewashing.

Legal theats 
Seroquel lawsuit 
Paxil suicide 
Media Interest 

Brand campaigns and publicity coups 
manufacture of illness 
Prozac late nineties for weightloss bulimia depression 

Other issues: 
RU486 fatality rate, FDA regulation, Planned Parenthood under the radar approach to 
Miprefistone, such that physician instructions violate FDA regulation, and significant fatalities 
do not inform the discussion. 


The Future: 
towards transparency in all things
epoch times reports lobotimization of intellectuals in china, and religious persecution of 
members of Falun Gong 
who are also subject to organ harvesting. 
Red scare incarceration of “Communists” 

Literary, Cinematic, and Memoir reactions: 
I never promised you a rose garden 
Girl, Interrupted 
Prozac Nation 
One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest 
Lady Gaga “Bad Romance” 


Schizophrenia reinterpreted as Homocysteine Toxicity Build-up: 

Policy and Transparency:




Side Effects: 

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