in oregon
transcultural focus
indian native eskimo involvement with the law
more mentally ill people getting in jail services.
today we have the lowest number of beds in the oregon psych system in 75 or 100 years
large numbers in the prison systems
1955---several hundred thousand people in state facilities---oregon OMG!!!!!!
bill sacks
professor emeritus
child psychiatry
back to bloom
first wave
psychotropic medications
he finished his residency
the laws changed in the seventies
it became hard to civilly commit
current dates to 1873
wave: decrease going in people
increase community services and they did not keep up with deinstitutionalization.
bleak care
two state
650 beds
oregon state salem and portland
eastern oregon state hospital
50 beds
mostly filled with court orde
incompetant to stand trial
sent to the hospital for the restoration of competancy
not guilty
by reason
70 geriatic
100 civilly committed
no voluntary payments in state hospital
state can run involuntary care
decrease in general hospital beds
more cash with non-mental care issues
very little care
by nature of the system
towards police and criminal justice
james otis (i mary eng met his family)
personality change in his personality change
more time by himself
did not seek resources
inquiries how to involuntarily commit him
investigates civil commitment statute
he had a gun
traffic stop
he was killed by the police
the courts
Former Director of Oregon Action Joanne Bowman graphically described Otis's death. "They shot him over 30 times and when they were done shooting him, they shot him with the beanbag and the taser and then they left his body in the street, uncovered, for six hours," said Bowman.
dr sack, guest speaker number two
courtroom and prison
106 years
attorneys did not go for a mental health defense
they thought that he might only get 20-40 years
they thought they had worked something out
he goes to mcclaren (juvenile jail system in oregon)
sack is the consultant and evaluator at the prison
works with him till he is 25
got him on therapy and medication
treatment is confidential---he is now in adult treatment
his sister is devoted and she has hired an attorney for an appeal
was kip kinkel understanding that he could make a decision about a state hospital defense
he thought a hospital would be worse than jail
it went to court
2 years ago
judge said no, so he is still in jail
less than positive outcome
case of kip kinkel
oren bolstad
killed his parents and went to springfield hospital
high profile case
national news
a year after littleton colorado shootouts
voices, hallucinations
telling him: you need to kill
his parents repeated the verbal abuse his parents issued
"stupid piece of sh*t"
see this link recounting the sack perspective as psychiatrist:
kip kinkel shoplifted nine inch nails
he identified with the lyrics
trent reznor sang about
"god damn these voices in my head"
he quoted this at school and got in trouble fro saying "god damn"
he was reluctant to take medicine
thought he was chipped and others had cameras in their glasses
it was very painful for orin bolstad
he tried prozac
orin bolstad
william sack
speaks of delusions:
as a necessary to dia-gnosis
an archaic term
meaning split brain
which i think should be reformulated for greater acuracy---or more specific to what was not known of the neuroscience of cognition
i support
(i was in productions of these with director bart whitman and bill siesser who played critical characters dysart and bromden in the nineties at montgomery bell academy as a teenager----and was well avised)))))
i worked on a not guilty by reason of insanity case with los angeles attorney stephen schwartz in 2007 regarding a murder by a young man who murdered a clerk with a baseball bat at a convenience store.
we met with the family.
it was very formative.
this was prior to taking criminal law or administration of justice:police procedure at LACC .
bloom is the forensic psychiatrist
clinical diagnoses
you must know right from wrong to be guilty of murder
oregon insanity test
mcnaughten test---30 states
american law institute test---at tim e of crime by way of defect
lack substantial capacity to interpret the criminal content of the act
test of volitional
an hour after the shooting
another psychiatrist saw him
no ask about voices
strong feeling that he was psychotic
plea bargain agreed to this verdict
everything relates to the time of the crime
everything at the trial will relate to this crime
affirmative defense to the charge
yes i did this
but was insane at the time
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